- M.S. in Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 2023-2025 (expected, GPA: 3.91/4)
- Relevant Courses: Advanced Topics in Data (Learning with Graphs), Advanced Topics in HCI, Machine Learning I, II
- B.Tech in Computer Science, College of Engineering, Pune, 2018-2022 (GPA: 8.16/10, Major GPA: 8.72/10)
Work experience
- Software Developer, Finiq Consulting Pvt Ltd, Pune, India, July 2022 - Apr 2023
- Worked with 4 multinational banks including Bank of America
- Capabilities: Fix-to-fix connectivity in Java, developed Derivatives platform for BofA end-to-end
- Research
- Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models, Argumentation, Retrieval Augmented Generation, Reasoning in LLMs.
- Programming Languages
- AI Frameworks/Libraries
- PyTorch, Tensorflow, keras, sk-learn, OpenCV, nltk, spaCy, etc
- Detailed publications and ongoing projects in the respective tabs!
Service and leadership
- Reviewer: EMNLP 2022; EMNLP 2023; CONLL 2025; ACM IUI 2025