Hello, there! I am an MS student (Thesis Track) in the Computer Science Department at Virginia Tech (VT), co-advised by Dr. Xuan Wang and Dr. Naren Ramakrishnan. I am also a member of the Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics at VT. My primary research lies in the intersection of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLMs), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Argumentation in NLP. My Masters thesis focuses on multi-agent debate for reasoning tasks using LLMs.

Prior to VT, I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (CS) from College of Engineering, Pune (now COEP Technological University). I was a Summer Intern at BLENDER Lab at UIUC in 2024, where I worked under Dr Heng Ji. I have also collaborated with Dr Henning Wachsmuth (Leibniz University Hannover) and Dr Kurt Luther (Virginia Tech) during my MS.

In my personal time, I like to run (I ran a half-marathon in 2023, and am working on getting in shape for a full marathon in 2025!) and play board games. I regularly attend Board Game Conventions as much as possible and love games like Blood on the Clocktower, Wingspan, Betrayal, Catan..(this could be an infinite list!). I was an International British Parliamentary debater from 2019-2023, and a Lincoln Douglas Debater from 2015-2018, with multiple wins and breaks as a debater and adjudicator. Debating played a pivotal role in sparking my initial interest in argumentation within NLP.

I am always excited to discuss anything, please reach out to me at priyapitre@vt.edu or on my Twitter/Linkedin!


  • [2023.8] Started my MS CS Thesis at Virginia Tech!
  • [2023.7] Our paper on ArgAnalysis35K accepted and published to the main conference of ACL 2023!